Approaching Turningpoint the founders, owners, leaders feel like this:
- I find it difficult to delegate because it usually results in chaos and confusion,
- I am at the mercy of those colleagues who work at a special field or work for me long time,
- I do not receive enough quality information to evaluate performances,
- there is nobody who could warn me for external-internal risks,
- it is difficult to find the responsible person in case of problems, people are pointing to each other,
- my (middle) managers do not feel what decisions they should make at a given situation,
- we have difficulties to fulfill sales promises,
- my colleagues do not understand or do not follow my requests as I tell them,
- business results are usually behind plans,
- the organizational moral is not too good,
- my colleagues are slow, unable to decide and inefficient,
- my (middle) managers set up time-consuming meetings,
- it takes much more for my colleagues to fulfill a task than it could be done,
- my colleagues look for me with everything, I have to do almost everything still nowadays,
- I can not always give the task those who could be the best in it, but those who have time for it,
- almost everything is subordinated to the revenue,
- compensation depends on individual agreements,
- the more is better theory is in effect,
- our business plan is generally finalized during the first months of the given year,
In advanced case:
- those who have formal and informal control of the company’s decision-making process suffered critical loss of mutual respect and trust,
- our revenue is started to decline,
- there is significant client dissatisfaction and/or market perception destruction.